Please complete the form below as soon as possible. You can also use the form to correct the information we have already published. Thanks in advance and warm welcome to ÖresundsLimmud 2020.
The personal information you provide in this notification is processed in accordance with our privacy policy that complies with the GDPR.

Namn / Name
Email (will not be published or shared)
Title of your session(s) in the language in which you will present (Danish, English or Swedish)
Brief description of your session(s) in the language in which you will present – maximum 240 characters (Danish, English or Swedish)
Brief biography in the language in which you will present – maximum 300 characters (Danish, English or Swedish)
Special requirements, such as audio-visual equipment, cable/port adapters, (USB-C, HDMI, …)
Google Chrome istalled on my computer (YES / NO)

Photo: We would like to print your picture in our program booklet. Please mail us ( one for this purpose if you don’t mind. If you would prefer not to be pictured, please tell us so.


OBS! Viktigt spamskydd! Skriv 12345 i fältet nedan.