A personal perspective on culture and language
– linguistic development in trilingual children

Language: English

Session: My professional interests are exploring design in space and objects and the friction between reality and imagination in metaphor.
As a new mom, I will present a personal perspective on culture and language, focusing on linguistic development in trilingual children, and the motivation to impart one’s mother tongue as an immigrant.

Bio: I’m a designer, entrepreneur and creative problem solver who believes in unlocking the combined potential of the physical and digital worlds. My work is an expression of my creativity and passion for design in all its forms, from software to stagecraft, from high-tech to high fashion. I hold a Bachelor of Design specializing in fashion from the Shenkar College of Engineering and Design in Tel Aviv, and a Master’s of Interaction Design from the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design, CIID. I have worked for companies as diverse as Adidas Germany, WGSN UK, and Disney USA.
I’m always on the hunt for limitless, testing the boundaries of human conventions, never standing still.