Jewish Papercuts in a Nutshell: Workshop
Language: English

Session: Come and discover the tradition of Jewish papercutting, a popular art form inspired by the Tanakh and Talmud.
I will offer two sessions. The theoretical session, will briefly explore the nature and purpose of this art form, its historical and cultural significance, and the symbolism of papercuts.
   This, second session will be practical: all participants will have the opportunity to get hands on this marvelous forgotten piece of Jewish folklore and create their very own papercuts.

Bio: Ivana has studied in four different countries (the Czech Republic, Austria, Israel and Sweden) and holds BA and MA degrees in Jewish studies, German studies, and History. A Baruch Spinoza Fellow at Paideia (2013-2014). In 2019–2020 she was an executive board member of Limmud Stockholm. Currently, she works as the head of cultural programs and shares responsibility for courses within the Jewish profile at Paideia. She is also pursuing her PhD studies at Charles University.​