Giving life – by logic or emotion?
Language: English
Session: How do you make decisions based on emotions and not just logic? Almost every one of us has the opportunity to give life. We went on a journey, my husband, I and of course the rest of the family. We went through many hardships, intertwined with potholes along the way, did tests and consulted with the best experts in Israel and around the world. Although all, we made a brave and rewarding decision, contrary to all the medical recommendations and common sense. At the end of the journey, we won our award ”Zohar”.
Bio: I was born in Israel 45 years ago. I was raised in a small village, Metulla, which is the northest place in Israel. I did my Ph.D in human genetics 11 years ago. I am an ambitious and highly adaptable biologist. I established a microarray unit in a hospital in Haifa, Israel. My areas of expertise and my experience in many laboratory methods enable me to be a target worker, specializing in systems design and finding the most efficient way of doing things. I am not afraid of challenges and I see the opportunity to deal with the difficulties. In the last 4 years, we live in Denmark. I work here as a Hebrew teacher both in Carolineskolen and in the community. That allows me to donate back to the community that gave us the support and home environment we needed according the relocation to Denmark.